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Changing coffee, together.

Bay Area CoRoasters (CoRo) is a collaborative coffee roasting facility that supports a community of roasting professionals, artisans, and enthusiasts by providing education, technical knowledge, and equipment.

Whether you’re an existing coffee company looking to increase your roasting capacity, you’re looking to jumpstart a new coffee business, or simply appreciate your cup of coffee in a new way, stop by and join our coffee community.




We’re breaking down conventional coffee roasting barriers.

You don’t need to break the bank to start a coffee company. CoRo’s roasting facility offers the tools and professional training needed to roast, package, source, and sell coffee. Our diverse membership includes commercial roasters with established reputations, roasters jump-starting new brands, and home roasters taking the next step.


CoRo Member Roasters


Coffee Room


CoRo’s Coffee Room showcases the hard work and dedication of our Member Roasters.

CoRo’s Coffee Room serves coffee roasted by CoRo Member Roasters on a rotating menu, allowing visitors to enjoy an exciting and dynamic coffee experience. Visit the Coffee Room website to see who’s on bar this month!



Upcoming Events


Introduction to Espresso

Sunday, 9:00am-11:00am. $300/person

Want to get a better understanding of how to work on an espresso machine? The ins and outs of what it takes to start getting the best out of coffee in the morning? Then this is a great class for you.

Come join our intro to espresso here at CoRo upstairs in our QC Lab. This class will teach you how to dial in on a grinder, dial in your shot ratio, pulling some shots on our La Marzocco GB5, proper milk steaming & latte art!


How To: Home Brewing

Sunday, 12:30pm-2:30pm. $125/person

Welcome to our class on improving your home brewing. Instructed by a Licensed Q - Grader, this class covers multiple manual home brewing methods. Students will walk away with the whys and the hows on coffee brewing at home!


Introduction to Coffee Cupping

Saturday, 10:00am-12:00pm. $65/person

In the coffee industry, we use cupping as a tool to taste, asses, and compare different coffees. have you ever wondered what it's like to cup coffee? If so, this is the course for you!

Join an experienced Q Grader for a guided cupping, where you the public or coffee professional, will learn about the protocols of cupping, the different characteristics assessed by cuppers, and how to use the flavor wheel to describe coffees. You’ll walk away with new skills and a greater understanding of the complexity of coffee!

The Team

CoRo News

 CoRo and Member Roasters in the News


Keep up with CoRo!

“If this is coffee, please bring me some tea; but if this is tea, please bring me some coffee.”

- Abraham Lincoln